السبت، 20 ديسمبر 2014

Yahoo's own weather application on the Android and iOS occur

Yahoo's own weather application on the Android and iOS occur

Screenshot at Dec 17 7:59:16 pm

Yahoo Inc. has announced an update of its own weather Yahoo! Weather on both Android and iOS. The update brings Android animation effects that weather show feature, a feature that obtained by the iOS platform since September / September.

The company said the update allows the user to see the status of the weather by watching the falling snow or lightning appear on the screen, and other effects that include fog and rain, heat and frost. Reported that the images show high quality Brsomyat similar to those available in video games.

On iOS 8 has added two effects new update available for pre-effects, namely, frost, lightning, Yahoo reported that, instead of reading the case of the freezing weather, it was possible to watch the moving image that reflects directly on the screen.

Android users can get the latest version of the Google Play store, but users get iOS 8 Alihamn Apple Store applications.

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